Page name: Naruto Obsessers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-29 06:10:08
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 11
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~*~Naruto Obsessers~*~


This Wiki is for people so obsessed with the anime Naruto, that they would either A) Die B) Cut their wrists or C) Sue the cable company if it was ever taken off the air.




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2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *is still huggling Kakashi*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *pokes Kenji* I think he needs to breathe.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *turns fast, slaps Evolution* sorry... no one pokes me without getting slapped! It surprised me! :P *goes back to huggling Kakashi*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *head revolves 180* owww... eh, same for me when people say Wales isn't a country... *goes back to normal with a series of clicking noises*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *laughs hysterically for no reason*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *tempts poking Kenji again* must... control....

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: -.- *glares at Evolution* don't you dare...

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: I know... but... hard to control... *pokes self in face* oww... better.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: hahaha!!!! *pokes Evolution* yes, much better! *grins evilly and pokes Evolution again*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: yeah... Im ok with that... *hands jerks violently, aiming at Kenji* must... control... *stops hand*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: ...............................

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *laughs evilly*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *turns into a boy in a black suit and a long flowing red cape* Trust me, you don't want to poke this guy.

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: .............................................
*sprays with champagne*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *pokes guy in black suit and flowing red cape, then pokes Surimia through all the champagne*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: ACKPTH! *sprays at high velocity*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *when Kenji takes her hand away a bear trap snaps down, just missing her hand*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: O_O GETTING ATTACKED FROM BOTH SIDES!!!! *chokes on champagne sprayed at her, holds hand out of fear of losing it in a random bear trap*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: This guys called Trapper, guess why? *holds up a gloved hand, a few sparks travel between the fingers*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: ........oh snap. out of champagne. *flies off to look for suitable weapons*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *holds out his poking finger, electricity traveling up and down it* must... not... poke...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: oh great... *turns into a bird demon, flies off into the sky*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *two pistons shot out from Trappers legs, extending him towards Kenji* POKE!

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: :O!!!!!!!! WHY YOU LITTLE... *tackles Trapper, poking him like crazy* POKING WAR!!!!

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *balances on one extended leg* woah... you want a poking war? *pokes you, but not with his electric fingers* POKEYPOKEYPOKE! *pokes Kenji like mad*


2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Really? You want this to become serious? *his fingers buzz with electricity* POKE! *pokes you, making you spaz a bit*

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: gaaaah! *runs away*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *bzzzzzzttt* POKE!

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *is spazzing on the floor due to the many volts of electricity from all the pokes*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *pokepokepoke* and thats my less fatal trick...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *is still spazzing on the floor*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *stops poking you and sits down*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *stops spazzing* thanks... -.- :P

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Want to see a dangerous one?

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: O_O... do i have any choice?

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: well... I wont use it, just show you...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: okies! :)

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Here. *holds up a hand, it looks normal* now its safe *flicks the hand with a stone. needles come out of the tips, dripping something nasty* mmmmmm rat poison...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: EWWWW! that's gross! *cringes, runs away in disgust*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: there are less lethal versions. Like this. *twists a finger, the thing dripping of the end turns purple* knockout drops.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ooooo.. i should get some of those installed! *looks at her own fingertips*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: well... here. *takes off gloves, the needles coming with them* They're built into the fingers and slide forward, coming out the ends. *traces the fingers on the glove, showing where the needle pieces dissaper to* and the liquids are kept in small pouches kept in the palm.

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: omg dont watch world trade center...

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: why?

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: its so sad ;__; im watching it now

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: oh... I dont like sad films that much... *pats you* there there...

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: TT_TT i wanna cry... i remember the day it happened so clearly... I was sitting in 4th grade english, learning new vocab words, then the pricipal came onto the intercom and told the teachers to turn on the tvs. a girl in the class when she saw what was on the tv burst into tears worrying about her dad. i started worrying myself because I knew my dad was on the road and i didnt know where, so i started crying on Alex's shoulder

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *hugs you* it was a terrible day. Many people lost freinds and relatives. Lovers were killed and blood was spilt but its in the past. If anything could be done we would do it.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ya!!! :( even us up here in canada were HUGELY affected by it... HELL, it even stopped my math class for the rest fo the day! (not that i minded that or anything)

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: wow... and we are still getting revenge for it...

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: In Britain it stopped us. It was one of those 'man walking on the moon', 'A beatle getting shot' moments...

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: yeah

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *sighs*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ya! *sighs also* sadness has overcome...

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Lets get happy again...

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: WOOOT! actually, i'm very happy! :)

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ok, Im ok. Kinda sleepy...

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: actually, me too... i've had too much to drink today... so, i'm like half dead! LOL

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: For me its just the 'ten past midnight' sort of thing....

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: wow.. it's only 8:15pm here!!!

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: same here lol

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: yeah... *boomph* TIRED!

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: lol... :)

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: But Im ok. Always tired really.

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: same here! XD

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: Sooooo.... *tackle glomps everyone*

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: HA! *nuzzles Tsome*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: WOOOOOT! *tackle glomps Evolution*

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: ^^

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *everyone is laying ontop of Tsome in one gigantic glomp*

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: *cant breath* >.<

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: aww, i'm sorry! *gets off the glomp pile*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *rolls off you, taking about half the weight off* sorry...

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: heehee!

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: *gasps for breath*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ^_^ *pokes*

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: gah!

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ^_^ *pokepoke*

2007-03-12 [XxTsomexX]: *runs away* TT_TT

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: not the poking again! -.-

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *tackle glomps Tsome* ^_^

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: ^.^ YAY! TACKLE GLOMPS, my specialty! *laughs evilly, tackle glomps everyone that happens along this page*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *glomps you back* Ive invented a new character!

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: oooo, REALLY?? what's it's name??

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: Timothy Nicholas Tomkinson... or T.N.T... he's a pyschotic demolition expert. ^_^

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: ooo, cool... i couldn't tell by the name! *rolls eyes* LOL he sounds awesome!

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: timothy nicolas tompkins i think... GAH! NAME SO COMPLICATED TO SPELL!

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: lol.. it's alright, i understand what you're saying! XDDD

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: Well, I splet it right now. Tell me what you think of him.

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: kk, give me a sec, i spilled goldfish crackers everywhere! >.<

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ... <img:44166_1164903284.gif>

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: lol... babysitting at my dad's house, and i was eating some of my lil brother's goldfish crackers, and my hand hit the bag the wrong way and i spilled them everywhere! >.<
oh, and T.N.T sounds HOT! LOL seriously, he sounds cool, i'd hate to meet him in person though!

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: crazy demo man! >_< don't know how I thought of him though..

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: he was somehwere packed away in the back of your crazy demented mind... which isn't a bad thing to have! :)

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ^_^ yes, for we all have are own little crazy demo man in our mind.

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: yes yes we do! *shifty eye*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *pulls out stick off dynamite* yes... *plays with it*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *grins diabollically, runs off to text message random sayings to people*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: WAIT! YOU FORGOT YOUR EXPLOSIVES! *runs after you with a small bomb*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *sees the bomb, runs away screaming* AHHHHHH, BOMB!!!!!! *runs into a bomb shelter*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *smacks into the side of the shelter* but, it wants to be your freind!

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: The bomb wants to be my friend??!!?!!?!!!?! That's a first... *peeks out the door cautiously*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *bomb is sitting in TNT's hands, not ticking but looking kinda dangerous* freeeeiiiinnnd

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: That bomb looks dangerous... i don't want to be it's friend... *backs into the bomb shelter slowly, shutting the door* heehee

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *makes a little sad noise and puts the bomb away* ok...

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *voice muffled by the bomb shelter door* aww, don't be sad!

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: Its just I like bombs... and not many people like them...

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: ya, i know... Bombs hurt! :( .... *randomly pulls out a sniper rifle* these on the other hand... *grins evilly from inside the bomb shelter*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: Can hurt aswell... but they are one by one. Bombs take out twenty at a time... <img:2706_1128818519.gif>

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: it's more fun to look through a small target thingy, and try out target practise with it! *looks through the small target thingy, shoots and some cans on a fence, hits every one dead on*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *bomb explodes behind wall, sending the cans into the air* PULL!

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *starts shooting at the cans in the air*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *watches as the cans fly higher* ^_^ cool

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: hey.. the cans are supposed to fall because i shot them! *frowns and pouts*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *the cans start to fall* yeah, but the shots will carry them higher for a while... *the can lands on a mine* ...

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: oh crap! *dives for cover*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *stands there as the can is catapulted into the wall of the Shelter* ... woah

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *is inside the shelter looking at the indent of the can from the inside* woah is right! >.<

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *coughs* thats why I like explosives... *falls over* cooooooooool

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: hahaa, don't fall over because of it! XDD... maybe i'll grow to like explosives... *taps a bomb cautiously*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *bomb makes a clonking noise* carefull of that one, its motion-sensative*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: O_O *backs away from it slowly*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: Its not set off, it has to be moved more than that. *gets up* This one's ok though. *hands you an EMP*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: ooooo... *takes it, looks at it* i think i might be starting to like bombs! *grins diabollically*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: *pats you* Your coming along... *gives you an orange coloured container* guess what this is?

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *looks at the container, shrugs* what is it?

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: NAPALM! *joyus pose*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: and i'm supposed to be excited? *forced excitement* yay...

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ummmm... *throws napalm bomb, setting the bunker on fire* ok, not your thing..

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *goes flying backwards from the napalm blast* O_O!!!! WHOA!!!!!

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: *MEGAGLOMPS KENJI!!*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: O_O! *major glomps back*

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: yay im so glad your here!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: aww, why??

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: idk :P

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: lol... well.. YAY!!!! :)

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: ^^

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: im here!!!hiya!!!

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *glomps Tsome* ^_^

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Boo! lol

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: AHHH! *runs away*

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD

Naruto: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! *ROFL*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: :O! *smacks Naruto* IDIOT!!!

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Naruto: Hey! That hurt! *rubs his head and pouts* That wasn't fair.... Grr! *grumble grumble grumble*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *laughs hysterically, bounces into a tree and sits on a branch laughing*

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Naruto: Gah! hm...* thinks* Ha! *takes um... frog turtle and hits you in the head with it.* heh heh heh heh heh

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: O_O!!!! OWCH!!!! *tackles Naruto, punching him*

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Naruto: *punches you back* Ha!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: :O! *pouts* how evil! :( *goes and pouts by a tree*

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Naruto: Uh... sorry! I didn't mean it! um... damn it... um... Sorry! Sorry!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *continues pouting, rubbing arm* ouch.. you hurt me! :(

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Naruto: sorry!!! i'm really sorry!

Sasuke: what a loser...

Sakura: Hey! are you alright! *runs up to Kenji* Stupid naruto

Naruto: i said I was sorry! Believe it!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: Oh, i'm quite alright! *grins* yes, he's an idiot!!! BELIEVE IT!!!!!! *mocks Naruto*

2007-03-13 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: HEY I IMITATE NARUTO MUCH BETTER THEN THAT!!!!

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *flies out of a portal and glomps Mrs_Havoc*

2007-03-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: Naruto: *grumble* Hey!!! GRR! *sticks tongue out at Kenji and Havoc*

Sasuke: I'm leaving... *walks away*

Sakura: Hey! Sasuke, don't leave! *runs after him*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *randomly runs after Sasuke and Sakura*

2007-03-13 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: *simply stands there and shrugs* okay..bunch of weirdos..

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *stands next to you* yes...

2007-03-13 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: O_O *watches Kenji run after Sasuke and Sakura, flailing arms*....right...

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: ... are they ever going to stop?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *trips over a root, falls on her face*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: ... there, that stops them

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *sits up, face covered in dirt* wow, dirt still doesn't taste good... *spits out the dirt*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: Now imagine that if you had a tongue a foot long.

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *imagines* EWWWW! That would be gross...

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: yeah... *feels tongue*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *sticks foot long tongue out* EWW... I have a tongue a foot long! O_O... thanks, you made me imagine it, and it became real! -.-

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: ... sorry...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: lol.. it's ok! *glomps*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: gah! *foot long tongue wraps around his body when glomped* ewwwww, spit.

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *dies of laughter*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *knocks you over*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *is dead from laughing too hard*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *pokes your dead body*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *becomes a zombie* no poke zombie... *walks stiffly after you, trying to poke you*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *pokes your arm, making it fall off* why do people fear zombies again?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: hey... my arm... *bends to pick it up, snapping in half* greeeat...

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *picks your top half up and puts it on your bottom half* don't bend...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: heh heh heh... yea, i realize that now... *top half slides off bottom half*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *stops the top of Kenji falling off* Gotta go now, bye.

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: okies!!! *huggles* BYE!

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: BACK! But not for long... like going now...

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: .>

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: AND IM BACK AGAIN! *random logging on and off*

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: yay!

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: And maybe not for long... heh... ^_^'

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: .....

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: See, my postings like my char, dissapearing and reapearing all over the place.

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: that's alright... makes people wonder where you're going to turn up next... *looks around suspiciously*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: BOOM! *appears out of nowhere and glomps you*

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: O_O!!! *screams at the sudden appearance, then glomps you too*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: YEY! *disapears then reapears and tackle glomps you*

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: GAAAAAAH!!!! *falls over from the tackle glomp*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: ^_^ *goes dancing away through portals*

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: O_O... *watches you dance away into the portals* ok then! :)

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: ^_^ *tackle glomps you again*

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